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The general cargo handling area includes a cargo dock with 42,000 sq. ft. of open dock space and a 125-ton electric-pedestal crane capable of handling commodities from barge, truck, or rail. The crane capacity and design configuration provides excellent heavy-lift capacity, with the terminal noted for this service. Commodities currently handled by the crane include wire rod coils, fertilizer, aluminum fluoride, zinc, steel pipe and coal.

The terminal has four operating docks, two with conveyor belts, one with crane and another which can be configured to handle direct from truck to barge discharge or mobile crane.

The port developed a fertilizer distribution facility which includes three 135-foot-diameter storage domes, conveyors, rail dump pit, operating areas, and access roads for connection to the general cargo dock. The total storage capacity for this facility is 33,000 tons. In the vicinity of the general cargo dock, the port owns aluminum another bulk storage facility capable of handling 1,500 tons.

Primary Equipment
Quantity Equipment
1 125-ton Electric Pedestal Crane
10 Forklifts
3 Loaders

In addition, the port owns a 1000 HP tow boat, the “Can-Do,” which is available at the terminal area for prompt handling of barges. The port also owns an array of forks, buckets, and specialty handling accessories. Equipment at the port appears to be ample for handling of bulk and general cargo commodities currently moving through the facilities.

Henderson County Riverport Authority | 6200 Riverport Road | Henderson, Kentucky 42420 | 270-826-1636